If you’re looking for how to stream all the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies online, you can find them on Amazon and iTunes, and most of them are also on the Disney+ streaming service. (That’s order of theatrical release: If you want to watch them in an order that makes one unified chronology from WWII to today, you’ll need the Time Stone and a much geekier outlet than this one.)

Ready for a re-watch? You’ll need to remember what sequence they came in: Here’s how to watch all of the Marvel movies in order. After things came to a head with Avengers: Infinity War and resolved with Spider-Man: Far From Home, what’s been dubbed “Phase 3” of the MCU is complete, and it's on to "Phase 4" with Black Widow. None of the actors dropped out midway through, and they didn’t decide to re-do an origin story or two along the way. Otherwise, just defeat all enemies before doing objective, you will find it easier that way.No matter what you think of superhero movies, you have to give Marvel credit: It somehow managed to pull off a 24-movie-and-counting Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) without any reboots, remakes, or re-castings except one. The heroes are practically useless, but they are the ones that transport levels through the campaign. Gem starts with a spell book and the spell Lightning Bolt. Gem the Sorceress (Campaign) is a Rampart hero. Receives a 5% per level bonus to First Aid skill. Shortly after Roland had secured the throne of Enroth, Gem left for Erathia, finding a new home in AvLee. Gem was one of the greatest sorceresses that Enroth had ever seen, serving King Roland Ironfist during the Succession Wars. Fourth mission: Retrieve Dead Man's Boots.Third mission: Pay bribe for a hero who has the Vampire's Cowl, then transport it back to the northwestern rampart base.Second mission: Retrieve Amulet of the Undertaker.She first helps the Clovergreen Militia and then aids a wizard's apprentice against the Necromancers of Deyja. Gem arrives from Enroth fresh from the Succession Wars.